Friday, January 24, 2014


SMART SHELF CORNER SHELVES SET OF 3[I'm raising my rating by a star simply to alert any prospective consumer that this one is 1. better looking and 2. sturdier than some otherwise near-identical instant shelves "advertised on TV" and sold on Amazon. If you want to give one a try--for holding magazines, books, an antenna or cheap speaker, etc., and certainly nothing breakable, this is most likely your best bet.]

Ever strike you as odd that the makers of the most disposable gadgets use television to sell their wares, then try to get extra bang for their buck by advertising the same thing on a site like Amazon with the endorsement: "As seen on TV!" I haven't seen the ad for this one (iPods and books have become more attractive alternatives to insomnia than telemarketing as seen on a high definition, 1080 pixel flat screen). I can just imagine the television ad--a calm housewife very smoothly, deftly, and easily attaching these shelves to every nook and cranny in the house with one effortless spin of the dial--no strain, no pain, no damage to the fingernails.

Wake-up call. They're not that easy to screw in (make that "knife in") to your walls, especially if the material is not porous plywood (or even cardboard). So after turning red several times over, I managed to get the blades to wedge into the corner walls--sort of. I'm fairly confident the shelf will stay up--though expecting it to hold anything weighing more than an ounce or two may be asking for a bit much. The picture on the box shows shelves loaded down with stereo speakers, a dozen CD jewel cases, a short-wave radio (it had better be battery-operated, because there's no place for a cord to go up the back side of the shelf).

The instructions for "SmartShelf" say "holds nine pounds," and even provide additional pictures of potted plants, tools, glass vases. Dream on. Still, I figured $5 per shelf would be worth it if I could get each shelf to hold a single book or magazine that I was in the process of reading (please don't put your laptop computer on the shelf and expect Apple to repair it, in or out of warranty). I've noticed that magazine publishers are reducing the number of pages and enlarging the print of their publications--so maybe it has a chance of fulfilling my wildest dreams. If not, we could all use a bit of extra suspense in our lives now and then. (Just don't ram it into a corner where kitty can take a shot at practicing his standing leap.)

I bought these shelves because I needed something and really couldn't afford the nicer made shelves. Well it was a complete waste of time. I got them to stay up on the first try, but 5 minutes later everything came crashing down. Now I can't get them to stay even on the wooden panel walls in the livingroom. Don't make the same mistake I did.


ive had one of these mounted in the corner by my bed for ages and ages. it holds a small bedside lamp and a book and some other junk just fine. i have seen these advertised on tv, and the advertisement makes it look easier to install than it really is. it is difficult to press and lock the shelf into the wall, but once you do it right, it's very sturdy. there's a trick: once you get it into place and are ready to lock it to the wall, you'll want to use an object other than your bare fingers to do the job, and you have to press pretty firmly. it takes some muscle. i used a flat head screw driver instead of my fingers to press the lock in. it also helps to have someone hold it in place for you. if you actually press it hard enough to the lock position, [ and if youre paying attention to what youre doing you can see that it is locked in place] it will not come crashing down. mine never has. you just have to pay attention. really, it isnt as easy as it looks on tv but if you install it *all the way, and properly* it will serve as a sturdy place to keep stuff in a low traffic area. just a reminder, be careful of the razors. :)


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