Monday, April 7, 2014

Neu Home Organize It All Chrome 24-Can Holder

Neu Home Organize It All Chrome 24-Can I could examine one in its pristine state. Mine arrived a bit bent. Still usable, but bent nonetheless. Bent at the weld points-not the actual rails (the rails are straight as hell). the result is that it won't sit flat on a horizontal surface, but rather canters playfully; and when the contraption is inside the fridge, and you load a can from the top chute (which, admit it, is half the fun of this toy-er, space-saver) it "miscues" approximately 40% of the time, with the can turning perpendicular to the direction of travel, and preventing any further loading of cans until you reach waaaay back in the fridge and give the errant can a 90 degree twist. On the other hand, I can say that once all the cans have been loaded correctly, I have never had one "miscue" by removing one from the front.

I suspect this slight bent-ness (which I notice was mentioned in other reviews) may have more to do with OIA's shipping methods, rather than a quality control issue at the factory,... but that is totally a hunch. I have no evidence to support my theory.

I will be ordering another one, because the complaints are minor compared to the efficiency gained, and I will consider reporting any further discoveries in a future review.

P.S. Keep in mind that any canned beers (what? Oh, was I the only one using this thing for beer? well excuse me!) manufactured by Coors (e.g. keystone, coors light) are for some inexplicable reason, like, 1/16 of an inch taller than any other can. Their cans still fit (barely) in the can holder contraption, but the "miscue" rate shoots up drastically to say, 80%.

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