Buy Salamander A3/B Archetype 3.0 - Black Now
Having seen this Brand at Best Buy, and having a chance to really get an up close look, I knew before I ordered this shelf from Amazon that I was getting a quality product. The full TV stand/unit from this company runs around $1500.00 from Best Buy, however from Amazon it's less!I don't want to get to off subject, just pointing out the price from Amazon is very competitive for this brand, and as always, Amazon offers free shipping.
When it arrived, I was very pleased. First off, another sign you know you're dealing with a quality product, is the shelves are fairly heavy, and all parts feel sturdy and have a real quality to them. No offense to Target, but this is much higher quality then you will find in a comparable 3 shelf unit, from most stores. ( I own a bookcase/shelf from Target, and am happy with it, but the purpose of this shelf is to enhance the high tech movie room/ home theater/ living room etc.)
I took my time putting it together, as to not scratch/ding any parts, and it took about an hour, but your time may be faster! It is fully adjustable once all shelves are together etc, so you can balance it out on all levels/corners. It does not wobble or anything like that, and I have it on hard wood flooring. Overall very happy.
As a side note, I am pretty sure most Salamander pieces can be added onto later, i.e. I could purchase another one of these and make it higher/ order another one for a pair, and they can be used and integrated with other components from within this line of the Salamander Brand. Lots of good info on the there website. Since this product is heavy, it's a big plus with free shipping from Amazon, as something this weight could become expensive to ship if bought from a company that charges for shipping. Thanks Amazon for the great mix of products you guys sell!
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